Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can go to Troy Camp?
Troy Camp accepts students from a number of LAUSD schools in the USC area. Students can be in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. We're non-denominational and welcome students from all backgrounds.

How do you select who goes to camp?
Due to limited space, applications are given out in the spring by school administrators and teachers to a select group of students. Our application is based on written answers by the student and his or her teacher . We carefully read each application and make our selections based on which students we believe will benefit most from his or her time at Camp, taking everything we can into consideration.

How much does Troy Camp cost?
All of our programs are 100% free for all accepted students! We rely on donations from our friends in the USC community and beyond.

Can students participate in Troy Camp's other programs if they did not attend camp?
Unfortunately, our limited space only allows us to accept students who went to our camp in elementary school. However, our after-school programs (Special Programming) for elementary schoolers are available to everyone.

Who runs Troy Camp?
Troy Camp is run entirely by students at the University of Southern California. Our counselors come from diverse places and backgrounds. We undergo rigorous training to ensure the safety and growth of the students. To learn about some of our current counselors, go to the "About Us" section of this website.

How can I become a counselor?
Applications will be posted annually during recruitment season on the “Join” section of our website. For more information about becoming a counselor, please contact our Director of Counselor Affairs at